My Destiny

The closer you are to your destiny the stronger the fight is going to be! Some say why? If you got to that higher point in your life without a fight would you appreciate your destiny when you get there? … Continue reading

Forgiveness is God’s middle name πŸ˜‡

Remember that our Heavenly Father is a forgiving God. You may have fallen but if you acknowledge your weakness and ask humbly for his strength, guidance, patience and love he will grant it to you. As long as you have breath you have an opportunity to get that relationship with God and let him lead you. πŸ˜‡πŸ™πŸ’– Don’t beat up yourself any more make a change today .#TGIF

Believe and Receive

The passage below is from my reading devotional this morning and it made me realize that our blessings are truly on the way. God does not show favoritism like man does. If we believe get ready to receive. Lord help us to trust you all the way and have the faith to recognize our blessings that you send our way. Lord thank you for being so loving and merciful toward us. I’m ready to receive my blessing and allow it to be use for your kingdom, in Jesus Precious AmenπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’–
Lately, I’ve felt the Holy Spirit tug at my heart. Remind me, regardless of my pain, God loves that other person as much as He loves me. He wants to bless them as much as He wants to bless me. He wants to bestow His goodness and mercy on them the same way He wants to shower it on me.

You are unique

Power Lift: God, help me to remember that I’m your masterpiece, as unique and beautiful as a poem. I am not who others say I am but who you say I am. My identity rests in you.

Don’t allow others to stop your progress because of their jealousy and envy. Prove to them that you have a purpose that no man can stop. Go forth and Conquer your goals.

You are unique

Power Lift: God, help me to remember that I’m your masterpiece, as unique and beautiful as a poem. I am not who others say I am but who you say I am. My identity rests in you.

Don’t allow others to stop your progress because of their jealousy and envy. Prove to them that you have a purpose that no man can stop. Go forth and Conquer your goals.

What’s behind the smile

You see the smile, but deep down she feels she could die, you see the push to achieve but didn’t see all those that pull her back, the deceit that she’s keeping from those she trust. You see a tissue and say it’s a cold when in fact it’s tears running down her nose. She stands strong at least that’s what you see while she crumble inside saying Lord help me. You overlook her struggles and say she’s all together when all she needs is that time and security to stand. She watches all and try not to fall. She strive because she hopes to survive although at times it seems impossible she still hears with God all things are possible. As night comes she lay awake, wondering is it too late. Is it too late to fight, is it too late to pray. Is it too late to live.